Meditation Group Reunions

Sundays, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., Efraín González Luna 2360,#1, (on the corner of Juan Ruíz de Alarcón), Col. Barrera, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mx/ tel. 3615-6113.

Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Efraín González Luna 2360, #1, (on the corner of Juan Ruíz de Alarcón), Col. Arcos Sur, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mx/tel. 3515-6113.

Private Sessions for the study and application of Zen to daily life. Rev. Hyonjin is also available for Skype interviews if needed.
Please contact or call (011-52)(33) 1523-7115 for appointments.

-Group meditation: $100.00 pesos.
-Counseling session: $250.00 pesos.
-Skype session: $300.00 pesos

Monday, June 20, 2011


What is Our Life About?[1]
By Ezra Bayda

Our aspiration, our calling, our desire for a genuine life,
is to see the truth of who we really are—
that the nature of our Being is connectedness and love,
not the illusion of a separate self to which our suffering clings.
It is from this awareness that Life can flow through us;
the Unconditioned manifesting freely as our conditioned body.

And what is the path?
To learn to reside in whatever life presents.
To learn to attend to all those things
that block the flow of a more open life;
and to see them as the very path to awakening—
all the constructs, the identities,
the holding back, the protections,
all the fears, the self-judgements, the blame—
all that separates us from letting life be.

And what is the path?
To turn away from constantly seeking comfort
and from trying to avoid pain.
To open to the willingness to just be,
in this very moment,
exactly as it is.

No longer so ready to be caught
in the relentlyessly spinning mind.
Practice is about awakening to the true Self:
no one special to be,
nowhere to go,
just Being.

We are so much more than just this body,
just this personal drama.
As we cling to our fear,
and our shame, and our suffering,
we forsake the gratitude of living from our natural being.

So where, in this very moment, do we cling to our views?

Softening around the mind´s incessant judgement,
we can awaken the heart that seeks to be awakened.

And when the veil of separation rises,
Life simply unfolds as it will.
No longer caught in the self-centered dream,
we can give ourselves to others,
like a white bird in the snow.

Time is fleeting.
Don’t hold back.
Appreciate this precious life.

[1] Bayda, Ezra. Being Zen. Shambhala: Boston & London, 2003.


Rev. Aiden Hall
Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey, Northumberland–UK —
R Aiden.indd 47 07/06/2011 09:26:46
The Journal of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives

I am sitting at my desk working at something, giving it all my attention, and suddenly I realize I am looking out of the window. Although I had been intending to work on the task in front of me, somewhere along the way I have become distracted. I am not really quite sure how that happened or why, or even when. I don’t really know very much about it.
That’s one of the interesting things about distraction — it is in the nature of distraction that when we are distracted, we don’t even realize we are distracted. It is not until, for some reason, we come back to awareness again that we realize we were distracted. In reflecting on this, we know that we have not really been present for a while, but we can’t look back and identify the exact moment when we went from diligently doing the thing we were engaged in to vacantly staring out of the window. Because of this, it is hard to explore the states of mind that lead to distraction. So how do we find a way into working with this area? During the time that we are distracted, we aren’t consciously aware of our thoughts and surroundings in the way that we are when we are focused. Rather than being grounded in the reality of who we are, where we are, and what we are doing, we are just caught in a fantasy, or some kind of dream world for a while, without even realizing it. We are just being pulled along by our senses. If I am gazing out of the window, it might be the sense of sight that is distracting me, but a lot of the time I find it is more the mind sense, that sixth sense which is aware of memories, thoughts, feelings and other mental objects, and which we include with sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch when we talk about the senses. Perhaps I am thinking about what is going to happen next week, tomorrow or later on in the day, or something that happened in the past. So even when I’m staring out of the window, often I’m not really watching the rabbits or watching the trees bend in the wind — my eyes just happen to be looking that way, but actually I’m thinking about something completely different.
SO HOW IS IT that suddenly we realize that we have been distracted? Part of it is that the thing we get distracted by, although it might seem very interesting for a while, can only hold our attention for a certain time. Eventually our interest in it wanes and we get bored with it, and that is part of what brings us back to what we are doing. There is clearly more going on than that, but if the thing we got distracted by was really very interesting and that high level of interest carried on, it seems quite likely that the distraction would just keep rolling on. But in the everyday world, looking out of the window isn’t actually that compellingly distracting, and the distractions that are around me that I get caught up in, even the mental ones, are actually finite. I wear them out, sometimes quickly, sometimes after quite some time, and end up coming back to what it is that is in front of me. Sense data can also be a trigger for realizing we are distracted, whether it is a sound we hear that reminds us of our surroundings, like the phone ringing, or just a physical need to change position. This can cut short our distraction and reconnect us with our physical reality. Although it is clearly good that I do come back to awareness, whatever that is triggered by, I am still left in the position that I haven’t really seen or understood the mechanism of distraction. It’s not that when we come back to awareness we need to go back over the past and analyze it, that would just be drawing conclusions from our memories, rather than actually seeing what is going on directly. But nevertheless there is something about not having been aware of it that calls for further investigation.
ONE AREA THAT I FIND helpful in looking at this is the way I use the Internet. In contrast with most areas of our lives, where distractions are finite (there are only so many things in my room, or in the office, or looking out of the window that are really that interesting), it seems that on the Internet distractions are essentially infinite. If I go to look at something on the BBC website, for example, I might be intending to just look at one particular thing, but it seems that on any page that I might visit, there is a link to something else that looks very interesting, and which I can easily be distracted by. I might have just gone to look at the weather forecast, but maybe on that page there is a link to, say, a very interesting looking article on some human fossils they found in China which might be a new species of human we didn’t know about — and that looks quite interesting! And then on that page there is a link to an article on a so-called ‘Goldilocks’ planet orbiting a distant star, which might support life — interesting. And then on that page there is another link to something else, and so it goes on. There are all these interesting subjects available at the click of a mouse that I didn’t realize I was so interested in. But there they are, they are presented in a way that is deliberately very enticing, and I can easily convince myself that this is something that I really ought to know about! And the infinite nature of the Internet is that I click on it and have a look and, yes, it might be entertaining or inspiring or educational, but then there is another link to something else…(looks interesting)…I follow that, and I can easily just go on endlessly in that way. Similarly, I’m sure there are, by a factor of many times, more hours of video on You Tube than any one person can possibly watch in a single lifetime. But they have a very clever way of arranging things so that there is a handy selection of other videos, somewhat related to the thing you have been looking at, which you might just be interested in. You may start off by looking at something as mundane as a product review for a washing machine, say, but then when you have watched that there is some other related video, which looks like it might be helpful. And then after you have seen that one there is another selection of videos somewhat related to that one. At least one of those will probably look interesting, so you have a look at that, and before you know it you have been going from one to another to another— with less and less relevance to washing machines! One of the nice things in the monastery is that when you get into that sort of infinite You Tube loop, there is usually some kind of cue that tells you there is something else you ought to be doing. Perhaps you hear the bell ringing for a meal or a ceremony, or something like that, and you suddenly realize it has been — however long — 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 3 hours! Hopefully not that long. But however long it has been, I find it is quite similar to the experience of just getting lost in thoughts: although I have been in full control of my own mouse buttons
at all times, there is also a sense in which I was just getting carried away by the sense data. Even if I was being educated  or entertained, it wasn’t really what I wanted to be doing, and when I look back on it I can see that it was actually a bit of a waste of time.
I THINK THIS FEELING that it is a bit of a waste of time is part of what gives us a clue that we are drifting into distraction. Because Internet distractions are pretty much infinite, and can just go on and on, I find that I do gradually begin to notice, even in the midst of the distraction, this sense of unease with how things are. If this was just a looking-out-of-the-window type distraction, then at this point I would probably come back to my original task, but the infinitely interesting nature of the web keeps me distracted, allowing the feeling of unease to continue to grow and encroach on my awareness — some part of me knows that I am not really wanting to do this. As this feeling grows, I slowly begin to be more aware of what my motivations are in continually clicking on link after link, and I start to get a sense of when I gradually shift from being focused on what it was that I went to look at, to there being a sense of actually wanting a distraction — perhaps wanting something to take me away from the seeming mundaneness of what I am doing. This feeling of the mind putting its ‘hooks’ out in this way is an important one to notice — I’m just looking for anything to grasp onto that might be more interesting or more entertaining than what I am doing at the moment. At this point it becomes clearer that the sense of unease that I feel is an aspect of what the Buddha was pointing to in the first noble truth: the existence of dukkha. We often translate this word as suffering, but the word dukkha also covers the much subtler areas of unease, unsatisfactoriness and discontent. In the second noble truth, the Buddha explains that dukkha is caused by clinging — or attachment. Another way of describing this is that we are not fully accepting the present reality, but instead wanting things to be different from how they actually are. In the present instance, the fact that I am looking for something more exciting shows that on some level I don’t really think that how things are at the moment is quite good enough. I am searching for fulfillment in something exterior, because I feel that something is missing. This feeling of something missing may be partly related to the task I am meant to be doing, but it probably also has a lot to do with not being able to fully accept myself as I am. On some level I feel that there is something missing in me, and I am looking for things from outside to fill this gap.
THIS IS A VERY productive area to explore, both in the meditation practice and as we go about our daily lives. People often come to a spiritual or religious practice because they have a sense of something missing, and hope that the practice will somehow supply the missing bit, or at least help them to find it. My experience of the practice so far has been that it actually leads me to question why it is that I think there is something missing in the first place. There is an assumption there that I come to question. And as I let go of this assumption, it is no longer about finding what might be missing, but about looking at and valuing what is actually here. This is not the same as assuming that there isn’t anything missing — that would just be replacing one assumption with another — it is to be willing to recognize and let go of any assumptions that I have, and to look and see what the real state of things actually is. I find that just being willing to sit still and feel the unease, and to see the effect that following distraction has on me, is a helpful way of exploring this area, whether it’s on the computer, or in any other aspect of daily life. And as I explore this sense of unease, I find that I am then in much more of a position to see whether I really do want to click on this next link. It might be very interesting, I might gain some knowledge that I don’t have now, but however much knowledge I gain, in the end I can’t know everything. And I can’t do everything: I can spend this time following these links, or I can keep focused on what I was actually intending to do. For all of us there are things we want to do in our lives, and during this next 10 minutes do I really want to be learn about the life cycle of the Inner Mongolian tree-rat (which is actually rather interesting because it turns out that they…), or would I rather switch off the computer and go for a walk?
LINKING THIS BACK to sitting meditation: here it is a slightly different situation in that there isn’t a task that we are trying to get done; we’re willing just to be here and to see what’s going on in the mind and to notice just what happens to be here right at the moment. Sometimes this can be that we suddenly realize we’ve been distracted, and sometimes it is more a feeling of being present and aware. It is very tempting to judge the aware mind as being better than the distracted mind, but actually we are not trying to make it be one thing or another. That would be either “trying to think” or “trying not to think”. It’s much more of a sense of trusting the meditation and realizing that even though sometimes we are distracted and sometimes we are more focused, all these thoughts are like waves on the sea sometimes they are calm and sometimes they are choppy, but the sea is much bigger than that, and meditation is much bigger than that. If we are fascinated with the waves on the surface, then we miss the vast depth of the ocean. In giving ourselves to the meditation and being willing to come and sit, there is a great act of trust there, and part of that is trusting that even when we seem to be distracted, nevertheless we are still sitting. We are still existing as a human being — we are still right here, right now, and that existence doesn’t depend on the extent to which we are aware of it. We don’t have to force ourselves to always be self-conscious and self-aware, we can just allow things to be how they are, and trust that. It is part of the nature of the mind that even were we to try to control it and always be focused, there would still be times when we couldn’t keep that up, and would become distracted. That is just coming face to face with the reality of how we are. In meditation we see that over and over again, and part of the compassionate nature of meditation is accepting that this is part of our human nature, and part of how our minds are. But there is more to meditation than these passing states of mind, because we can also trust the true wish, the intention that brings us to meditation. We know that we want to give ourselves to this, and we have a sense of why it seems good to do, even if we can’t necessarily put that into words. We are willing to sit still whether or not there is distraction, and this prods us to look at what does “sitting still” mean when we are distracted. What is the “activity and stillness together” of meditation which is still being expressed, whether my mind seems to be focused or whether it seems to be scattered? Can meditation only go on when my mind is one particular way and not when it’s another way? Does it depend on circumstances and conditions to that extent? If we think that, then it would mean that for much of our life we would be excluded from meditation, and as human beings whose minds do wander, how could we ever come to know the truth? Again, this is an area that we must each explore for ourselves in meditation — not making any assumptions, but being willing to look and see how things actually are. I find that looking at the nature of distraction in these different ways helps me to have less of a confrontational attitude towards distractions. They are not so much difficulties to be eradicated, but rather a part of the rich experience of being a human being. But I also don’t have to be a slave to them. Distractions may be here one minute and gone the next, but meditation leads us to a growing sense of what it is that is sitting still within these ever-changing movements of the mind.

1. A reference to the line “…neither trying to think, nor trying not to think; just sitting, with no deliberate thought, is the important aspect of serene reflection meditation.” This is from the translation of Great
Master Dōgen’s Fukanzazengi (Rules for Meditation) in The Liturgy  of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives for the Laity, 2nd Ed. (Mt. Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press, 1990) p. 98.
R Aiden.indd 50 07/06/2011 09:26:46

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Ozmo Piedmont, PhD

In the scripture of the SANDOKAI one reads the following:
Here born we clutch at things
And then compound delusion, later on,
By following ideals;
Each sense gate and its object all together
Enter thus in mutual relations
And yet stand apart in a uniqueness of their own,
Depending and yet non-depending both.
In form and feel component things are seen to differ deeply;
Thus are voices, in inherent isolation, soft or harsh.
Such words as high and middle darkness match;
Light separates the murky from the pure.
“Here born we clutch at things…” is what we have learned to do ever since our childhood.  When we are children, we have an intuitive connection to the Infinite.  At about 7 years of age, we lose this awareness, learning instead from society, our parents, and our school teachers that we are rational, intelligent, individuals, focusing us on the mundane world of the senses.   The price we pay, however, for this conditioning is to experience ourselves as separate from the Eternal, creating a strong desire and longing to return home, with its security, stability, and peace.   We tend to substitute the true return home, that of connecting to the Infinite, with distractions such as hyper-activity, entertainment, idealism, material comforts and possessions.  
When at last we have tired of the illusion of control, that we can dominate the world with our reason, our science, and our intellect, when finally we are no longer satisfied with new acquisitions, the new relationship, or the new job, when eventually comfort, entertainment, ideas and philosophies no longer bring us happiness, is when we realize we can’t go on this way, and we surrender to the Infinite, asking for help to heal the empty hole we carry inside our hearts.  In that same moment of asking for help, we reconnect ourselves to the Eternal.  We sit in meditation to re-establish this connection to the Divine.  Our daily practice is the opportunity to see our relationship with the world of forms and how those forms, and ourselves, are related to the unity of oneness.  We can neither attach ourselves to the multiplicity of form nor to the unity with the Absolute in order to understand the Truth of who we are.  For this reason, the scripture says, “Each sense gate and its object all together enter thus in mutual relations
and yet stand apart in a uniqueness of their own, depending and yet non-depending both.” There is a relationship between the individual things as well as transcendence of apparent duality, united with the Infinite.    
            The senses give us an illusion of an individual person, separate and contained within a body, who is operating on that body as if a ghost within a machine, which is connected to the outside world through the senses.  Our eyes see something, which gives us the impression that the subject seeing is separate from the object seen.  In reality, there is only one event arising in the present which involves the entire process of seeing: that which sees, that which is seen, and the act of seeing.    The ego separates these aspects, creating the impression of a subject isolated and independent, with its likes and dislikes, preferring the pleasant and rejecting the unpleasant.  Our karma is based on mental intentions, resulting in consequences experienced as pleasant and unpleasant within our little self mind.   But these preferences lead to cravings, attachment, and discontent which results in suffering.  Due to ignorance, we cannot see the connection between our intentions, our actions, and the consequences they create around us. Our sensations, emotions and feelings are the inheritors of the karma of our intentions.  In turn, these sensations create patterns of behavior that maintain the same chain of stimulus with positive and negative reactions.   Nevertheless, there is always the possibility of awakening ourselves to the reality that we are responsible for our experience of the world, whether it be pleasant or unpleasant.   It is exactly due to this tension of opposites in duality that we are able to discover that which is constant in the Eternal.   One can transcend this duality, seeing it for what it is, momentary and impermanent.  We can find a satisfaction that is constant and permanent within the love and the peace that are only perceived when they are not obscured by the agitations of thoughts related to desires and aversions. 
            All circumstances, all events, and all forms arise owing to prior conditions, that which is called Dependent Origination.  Our mental intentions produce such profound effects, that all the characteristics of our body, our small self mind, and the circumstances of the world, are all consequences of them.  In order to return to our true home, to the Infinite, we must begin by focusing our attention on the present moment to whatever is arising in us, that which is referred to as mindfulness.  We focus on the sensations, emotional reactions, and feelings that arise, particularly when they are strong, such as when we feel any kind of repulsion, aversion, anger, fear or hate.  Also feelings of desire, craving, and greed are to be noted when they appear.  In the act of observing these sensations, we begin dis-identifying ourselves from them, and we have the possibility of purifying our karma.  We choose in that moment not to react unthinkingly with habituated patterns of anger and grasping.  Instead, we abstain from reacting at all for the split second to consider other options.  In that split second, we open our hearts and minds to the Infinite, and consciously ask, “What is it good to do now?”  This simple act allows us to put our faith in the wisdom and the understanding that is far beyond our little ego self, giving us the opportunity to appreciate the pleasure that is beyond momentary pleasure.  We understand the difference between the multiplicity of forms which is forever changing and moving, with that which is real and constant, the Infinite.  “Thus are voices, in inherent isolation, soft or harsh.  Such words as high and middle darkness match…” Regardless of the relative differences in qualities, abilities, and capacities in each of us and in each form, when the many things are all in the dark, they appear all the same.  This is a symbol of darkness to illustrate the oneness of all.  Yet, at the same time, the passage indicates how we distinguish what is true and real from that which an illusion, “Light separates the murky from the pure.” The image of light represents the wisdom emanating from the Infinite that we open our hearts and lives to, allowing us to see that which is unchanging within the changing, the Eternal that is right here in each one of us as individuals.  In truth, there is no separation.  We have only misperceived our true self for a time, mistaking the shadows on the wall for the reality that Is.  Understanding karma and Dependent Origination, we begin to know our Buddha Nature, our true identity here and now.  In that knowing, we have truly arrived home at last.

Morgan, Daishin.  Buddha Recognizes Buddha. Throssel Hole Press: Northumberland, United Kingdom, 2010.

Shasta Abbey.  Zen Training.  A Special Issue of The Journal of Shasta Abbey. Vol. XIII, May-         August 1982.  Mt. Shasta, CA., 1983.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Ozmo Piedmont, PhD

In the scripture Sandokai it is written:

From West to East, unseen,
Flowed out the Mind of India’s greatest sage and,
To the source kept true as an unsullied stream is clear. 
Although by wit and dullness the True Way is varied,
Yet it has no Patriarch of South or North.

The Sandokai is a poem describing how individual beings are connected to the universe.  It is a poem of affirmation which inspires our faith.  This poem is as respected as the actual sutra teachings directly from the Buddha himself, since the teaching it contains is of such importance.  It was written in the 9th century of our common era by Sekito Kisenn, the eighth Chinese ancestor after Bodhidharma.  It makes reference to the Truth that revealed itself when Shakyamuni first saw the morning star shining brightly in the sky.  It is the moment of the Great Awakening, that which continues to awaken from the Buddha’s time to the present day in each one of us.   It is the awakening to the direct Truth as the source of wisdom that is found in the Infinite, or the Cosmic Buddha.  The Buddha awakened to the fact that he is a direct channel to this source of pure spiritual water of the universe.  He felt the flowing of this water throughout his being.  We too are awakening to this source, to this pure water of wisdom.  In fact, it is our only authentic purpose in this life.  Each time that we sit down to meditate, we are directly experiencing this source, and beginning to channel this pure water to the world in our own lives.  We begin to realize that each moment is perfect in itself.  It is not necessary to look elsewhere beyond that which presents itself right here in front of us.  It isn’t important whether we experience it quickly or slowly, or if we consider ourselves or others as intelligent, witty, or dull.  We shouldn’t judge others or compare ourselves to their progress, whether it be better or worse, faster or slower.  It neither is important if one is a member of one school Buddhism or spirituality as opposed to another. There really is no single right school or approach, neither is there any one Ancestor from the north or the south.  The only real authority is the most Supreme, the Infinite, that which one finds in the Immaculacy of Emptiness and which manifests itself in all forms.  This source is absolutely pure always, therefore, there is no way it can be stained or debased.  Nevertheless, one must still practice spiritually using the scriptures and the religious traditions, which guide us in the direction to an encounter with the Infinite, otherwise known as Enlightenment.  We awaken to the fact that we are flowing in this divine water in every moment, channeling it through our bodies, our minds, and later to the entire world.  All schools and forms are revealing this.  Instead of rejecting one or another form, one should appreciate that all are complementary teachings aiming at revealing the Truth.   In this way, one can celebrate differences, as much in the appreciation of the various paths of spiritual practice, as well as those differences that arise within each individual.    The Sandokai is showing us how to be a part of this divine Oneness while at the same time learning to be a unique individual.  It is the same idea that is found in the last precept of the Kyojukaimon where it explains the meaning of “Do not defame the three treasures”, saying that: “To produce something by ourselves, without copying others, is to become an example to the world, and the merit of doing such a thing is to become the origin of all wisdom.  Do not criticize, accept everything.”   We are encouraged to keep ourselves open accepting to the experience of the most intimate of all things, the Source itself, the Infinite, the Buddha Nature in all.  All is part and expression of this Infinite.  At the same time each thing is individual, expressing the Infinite in its own particular and unique way.  Each one of us is channeling this pure water to others.  To be authentic to ones true identity, to be unique in all the universe, and at the same time One with all, is the great discovery we can make.  The Cosmic Buddha is our guide and inspiration.  All is part of this One of the Infinite.  There is nothing to reject, because all of us are expressions of That.  Nor do we have to reject the ego, because the ego is also a part of the Infinite.  We must only awaken to our true identity, thus allowing the ego to become an instrument of the Divine for channeling wisdom, peace, and harmony to us, through us, and to all the world.

Morgan, Daishin.  Buddha Recognizes Buddha. Throssel Hole Press: Northumberland, United Kingdom, 2010.

Shasta Abbey.  Zen Training.  A Special Issue of The Journal of Shasta Abbey. Vol. XIII, May-August 1982.  Mt. Shasta, CA., 1983.